Worship Toolkit


First Presbyterian Church of Niles Morning Worship




10:00 A.M.                                                                           May 5, 2024


                                                   (* = stand if you are able)




REFLECTION TEXT                      Psalm 98: 4-6

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises. Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody. With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord.



PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP                      Processional Marcello


CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive)                                                      

We come to join with all the earth in praise:

to sing a new song to the Lord, who has done marvelous things, who has shown us steadfast love and faithfulness.

We praise the Lord with joyful noises joining the symphony of the earth:

the roar of the ocean, the call of the birds, the wind across the hills, people in every corner of the globe.

On this sabbath day of rest and gladness,

     we greet you with joy, our living God!


OPENING PRAYER                                                                               


*HYMN All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name CORONATION

All hail the power of Jesus’ name! Let angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Christ servant of all!

Attend the Savior’s sovereign claim, and crown Christ servant of all.


All heirs of Israel’s chosen race, now ransomed from the fall,

Proclaim the wonders of God’s grace, and crown Christ healer of all.

Proclaim the wonders of God’s grace, and crown Christ healer of all.


Before the cross, with heaven’s throng, we on our knees shall fall;

We’ll join the everlasting song, and crown Christ savior of all.

We’ll join the everlasting song, and crown Christ savior of all.


CALL TO CONFESSION                                                                       

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (In Unison)                                             

Tender God, forgive us for our half-hearted faith that loves only when it is easy, and reaches out only to those who are like us, that ignores your less convenient commandments and fails to bear fruit anyone would rejoice in. How can a faith like that conquer the world? Nourish us again, to blossom with whole-hearted faith that abides in your love and shines forth with joy. Through the grace of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.




ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Responsive)                                         

Hear the Good News! The only one who could judge us calls us friends. By the power of the Spirit, our sins are washed away, and we are made new.

     Thanks be to God.


PASSING THE PEACE                                                                          

As God has forgiven us in Christ let us also forgive one another.

The peace of Christ be with you all.

    And also with you.

Please share the sign of peace with one another.

     The sharing of Christ’s peace.


RESPONSE                        Peace is Flowing Like a River               TRADITIONAL

Peace is flowing like a river flowing out to you and me.

Flowing out into the dessert, setting all the captives free.


His love is flowing like a river flowing out to you and me.

Flowing out into the dessert, setting all the captives free.


PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION                                                               


FIRST SCRIPTURE READING                Acts 10: 44-48                                           

SPECIAL MUSIC               Let the Words of My Mouth          Choplin

The law of the Lord is perfect, so timeless and so wise. His commands are shining bright, giving light to our eyes. Lord, keep us from all sin, let it never overwhelm us. Now come to us again, we give our hearts to You, O Lord. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my God. O Lord, my God, my strength and my redeemer, O Lord, my God, my Savior and my healer, come cleanse me now and wash away my sin, and make me pure and clean again.


SECOND SCRIPTURE READING                    John 15: 9-17                                                     

MESSAGE       Can You Truly Love Everyone?     Rev. Christopher Mergener



*HYMN                                 This Is My Will                   PUER NOBIS

         This is my will, my one command, that love should dwell among you all.

This is my will, that you should love as I have shown that I love you.


No greater love can be than this: to choose to die to save one’s friends.

You are my friends if you obey what I command that you should do.


All that you ask my Father dear for my name’s sake you shall receive.

This is my will, my one command, that love should dwell in each, in all.



We believe in the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who gathers, protects and cares for the church through Word and Spirit. This, God has done since the beginning of the world and will do to the end.

We believe that Christ’s work of reconciliation is made manifest in the Church, as the community of believers who have been reconciled with God and with one another; that unity is, therefore, both a gift and an obligation for the Church of Jesus Christ.

We believe that this unity of the people of God must be manifested and be active in a variety of ways: in that we love one another, and that we experience, practice and pursue community with one another.

We believe that the variety of spiritual gifts, opportunities, back- grounds, convictions, as well as the various languages and cultures, are by virtue of the reconciliation in Christ, opportunities for mutual service and enrichment within the one visible people of God. Jesus is Lord. Amen.




INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE                                 


GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING (Responsive)                      

The Holy One be with you.

     And also with you.

Open your hearts.

    We open our hearts to you, O God

Let us give thanks to God, an Abiding Presence.
      To the One who companions us through all things, we give thanks and praise.


Faithful One, we come to your table hungry for a taste of your kingdom….

…In awe and gratitude, we join together in praise of you, Source of Abundance:


Holy, Holy, Holy One
God of justice and love
Heaven and earth are full of your wonder
Blessed is your presence among us


Since the beginning…

…You may now take the elements.






     Offertory                      ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Arr. Larson


*DOXOLOGY 608   Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow PRAISE GOD

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ, all people here below;

Praise Holy spirit ever more; praise Triune God, whom we adore.


*PRAYER OF DEDICATION                                                                 



Jesus, your name is power, Jesus your name is might.

Jesus, your name will break every stronghold, Jesus your name is life.


Jesus your name is healing, Jesus, your name gives sight.

Jesus, your name will free every captive, Jesus, your name is life.


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE                                          

Responsive: Loving God, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


THE LORD’S PRAYER (In Unison)                             

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


*HYMN 203 (Vs. 2, 3, 4)        Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love CHEREPONI

Refrain: Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love,

show us how to serve the neighbors we have from you.


Neighbors are wealthy and poor, varied in color and race,

neighbors are near us and far away. (refrain)


These are the ones we should serve; these are the ones we should love;

all these are neighbors to us and you. (refrain)


Loving puts us on our knees, willing to wash others’ feet;

this is the way we should live like you. (refrain)







All music is reproduced under permission from ccli.com License #11146543.
