Worship Toolkit

Sacraments:  Communion and Baptism

Some of the joys you will experience in the life of the Presbyterian Church are the joyful celebrations of the sacraments (visible signs of inward grace).   The Presbyterian Church has two sacraments:  Baptism and The Lord’s Supper, both of which occur within the context of worship.

The Presbyterian Church is part of the Reformed tradition.  As such, we understand Baptism and the Lord’s Supper to be sacraments, instituted by God and commended by Christ.  Sacraments are signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the Church, symbols of God’s action.  Through the Sacraments, God seals believers in redemption, renews their identity as people of God and marks them for service.



The Lord’s Supper is the sacrament based on Jesus’ words and actions at his last meal with the Apostles and is truly the heart of Christian life and worship. In it, God comes to us – and we respond.   As we gather around the table that Christ has prepared we:

  • Celebrate Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf as a free gift from God
  • Give thanks and praise to God through prayer for our very creation and God’s steadfast faithfulness
  • Celebrate our oneness with God in Christ, communion with God through the Holy Spirit, experience true fellowship with other believers
  • Remember Christ and strive to unite our own sacrifices in life with Christ
  • Experience first-hand the saving power of God’s love through Christ
  • Are nourished spiritually in the deepest way possible

Here at First Presbyterian Church-Niles, you can expect to celebrate the sacrament of The Lord’s Supper on special dates within the liturgical calendar (approximately 1 time each month). 

We welcome anyone who believes in Christ, no matter where they are in their faith journey, to join us in Holy Communion and the celebration of God’s love for us.

If you are homebound or unable to attend church and would like to receive communion, please contact us at the church office (269) 683-7600.



Baptism is the sacrament that unites us with Jesus Christ and makes us members of the Church.  In baptism, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are:

  • Initiated in the church
  • Receive God’s promise of grace upon us
  • Are assured that God forgives our sins.
  • Are called to a life of Christian service

Baptism is the mark of new life in Christ.  In baptism the Holy Spirit marks us as God’s own and enables us to accept God’s forgiveness through repentance.  Through the Holy Spirit, we receive God’s assurance of victory over death and we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which leads to new life as we are made part of God’s kingdom.  Baptism is the sign and seal of our oneness with Christ.

Here at First Presbyterian Church-Niles we believe one of the most important things you can do as a parent is bring your newborn to be baptized.  We believe that God’s gift of grace is available to us before we are ever able to realize it and now matter how young the person, God sends the gift of the Holy Spirit.  We also encourage adults and youth who wish to publically confess their faith and enter the Church (and who haven’t previously been baptized) to be baptized.  Baptisms at this particular church are celebrated by sprinkling.

If you would like to schedule a baptism, please contact our church office (269-683-7600) for the appropriate forms.